About Beast Behavior Clothing

about beast behavior

Beast Behavior Clothing was started in 2014 by Port City's hometown native, Tarence S. Williams, who is a former stand-out running back at E.A. Laney High School and Wake Forest University. After a career ending injury in college, Tarence graduated then decided to return home to The Port City (Wilmington, NC). He had been so focused on pursuing a career in the NFL, that he knew he had to find a way to still live out his passion for football. In 2014, Tarence found a love for training athletes. Through this new avenue, he created Beast Behavior Clothing as a product to inspire all athletes (& believers) to live out their dreams.

As our mission states,

We believe within every person lives passion (BEAST) that drives hard work & dedication (BEHAVIOR). Our product is made to reflect this. No obstacle will deny us of our mission...

To exceed greatness & inspire others to do the same.